Academic Papers

Myhill. A. and Johnson, K. (2016)

Police use of discretion in response to domestic violence.

Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 16(1): 3-20.
Barlow, C., Johnson, K., Walklate, S. and L. Humphries (2020)

Putting Coercive Control into Practice: Problems and Possibilities.

The British Journal of Criminology. 60(1): 160-179
Mulvihill, N., Gangoli, G., Gill, A.K. & Hester, M. (2019)

The experience of interactional justice for victims of ‘honour’-based violence and abuse reporting to the police in England and Wales.

Policing and Society 29(6): 640-656.
Westmarland, N., Johnson, K. and McGlynn, C. (2018)

Under the radar: police use of out of court resolutions to respond to domestic violence and abuse in the UK.

The British Journal of Criminology. 58(1):1-16.
Westmarland, N., McGlynn, C. and Humphreys, C. (2018)

Using restorative justice approaches to police domestic violence and abuse.

Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 2(1): 339-358.